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Yes, perhaps a preposterous notion, but if you hear me out, perhaps this idea could gain some higher profile brain cells to come to bear on pondering such a great idea.? The winners in such a deal would be Egyptian people, their economy, European tourists, the Arab world, and of course Israel e.t., all.
The idea is simple on its face: Egypt would lease the entire Sinai peninsula to Israel for 100 years similar to Hong Kong Treaties. In the Hong Kong example, it was a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (Egypt for this hypothesis), and was? an autonomous territory on the southern coast of China.? The British developed it into what it is today.
One can only imagine how a little Israeli interest, effort, culture, and world famous ingenuity could foster a totally new reality using its natural way to build with love to create the most amazing thing in the middle east.? ? Some might see this as a threat to the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, etc. for example who would perhaps have a challenge competing since they have such scary religious police and are a haven for ISIS and the sorts and actually don’t create anything of note other than places to spend money.? In other words, they don’t invent businesses, or create jobs, and are totally afraid of allowing women to even drive an automobile.? (Funny how the world just lets that one go.? I love how wimpy the world is, this is wrong period, but whatever you do, don’t dare to call the obvious out for what it is.)
This new Israeli/Egyptian region, call it the “Isragyptian Peninsula”, could, no would, become something that would outshine the shiny.? Why?? Well, that’s too easy, you see, when you have security designed and implemented by the Israeli’s then Investment would pour into this region.? ? Israeli’s are natural communicators, this is because of the Torah, “the book” if you will, they learn early to read and think in the abstract.) The ability to get some very nice zero tax windows for businesses and tax treaties for trade agreements would naturally spur investment and entrepreneurs from Israel would flock to the region to have fun while they develop a new future and reality for the area.
Egyptians that are interested in following the rule of Israeli or western law and not Sharia law, and abiding by simple rules of life (read this as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, love your neighbor as thyself.) would join in a future that most in the Arab world can only read about in books, oops, that are of course only published in western countries, since most are banned in their countries.
This little seed that is planted in your collective minds could germinate and spread to the entire African continent.? Imagine what that continent would look like if they got their collective acts together?? By setting a sort of Earthly incubator, starting with nothing but sand, dirt, and terrorism, the “Isragyptian Peninsula” would for sure, turn into the head light on a northbound train, leading others to be guided by some basic tenants of how to build a stable, productive, and loving society.
If the right heads read this, its possible that the United Nations or other world bodies might for once be able to help lead instead of divide the world on a path toward true peace and stability for all the world.? But in the end, it doesn’t need them at all, just the Egyptian president and the Israeli prime minister to stand together and state with a unified voice that this is the path they’ve chosen at this junction.? No more terrorism for Egypt’s Sinai, and new hope and jobs for Egyptians.? For Israeli’s well, we can actually drive our cars for more than 10 miles without running into a border with a hostile people on the other side.
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