I’ll go out on a limb here and say that I feel that there is something brewing around the globe that has shifted the actual global consciousness, i.e., Axis or magnetic lines of our planet.
I like to look at the world in terms of a family; Where you have great grand parents, grand parents, parents, children, wife’s, husband’s and their offspring.?? Each of these family members would represent a specific country.?? The major powers would be your parents, in their prime, with grand parents being older countries with waning influence, new strong children the up and coming countries, and the little small “terrible two’s” or troubled teenagers as those countries that always seem to not get it.
Currently, again, as I see it, the world is awash with chaos and energy being dumped into destruction and division.?? The parents in this analogy are able to weather the troubles of the children, ignoring the kicks and bites on the lower ankles.?? If they get painful enough, then the parents and other senior family members might actually turn in their direction and correct the behavior.?? This could be a hug, some time to nurture, or if needed a time out or a “slap” in extreme cases to wake them up and set them on the right path.
Trump has just risen to fill a gap that saw the global family unit adrift or even on the verge of separation, total dysfunction.???? The global time has come for a strong family entity to emerge that will set a moral compass, entice good economic behavior, and in general bring the family together to create a better world.?? If you believe as I do, that there actually is a global energy of consciousness that can and does move to spontaneously create, invent, develop, discover, and act, then what’s happening in the U.S. election is really not that out of sight.
I think that for so many years both major parties in the U.S. failed to do what most people actually agree is the right thing.?? Sound bites that work to divide and segregate voting blocks serve only to actually create strife in the family of nations and in between siblings.?? Mr. Donald Trump is like a crazy fox, darting this way and that way, while actually keeping his eye on the most prized catch.?? That catch today is a need for a shift to a positive message, leadership, holding the reins of the team of horses to guide them on the correct path.?? Bumpy paths, cliffs, mud, trees, etc. area examples of a path not so desired, but one the U.S. has been on for years.?? Every now and then the horse driven coach is on the right path, but then it veers off and goes astray.
The global need for some control over a predictable market place, economic opportunity and safety for countries, (children) that only want a chance to live and grow, has taken over the collective sub-conscious of the United States electorate.?? I think there is a strong undercurrent that is going to surface, like a “Family Intervention” and work to correct the path that the parents and many children are currently on.
If you are honest about what a person says and not what others say they said, you might discover that you agree with 90% of their point.?? If that happens, its time to question the news sources that fed you the opinion or edited the words to fit their agenda.

When you look at these images perhaps you can better understand that with strong leadership you deliver hope to all the people of the earth to work together for a common goal. ???? Economic opportunity is key, equal access to clean water, energy, education, and stability are all things that such leadership yields.?? Provided Mr. Trump is elected,?? if not, well, perhaps the Axis wobble will have to take another extreme level to correct and come back into sync with the rest of the universe.