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After all the totally out of touch crazy discussions about lives that matter and implications that others don’t, I thought I’d add a little twist.? I say, no lives matter, but mine does…
My proof is simple, no lives matter in the Muslim world, period.? If you only care to watch how easily the Muslim world kills, maims, rapes, and represses women, you have all the proof you need.? What’s happening around the world and mostly in Syria is a prime example.? Not a word or action to protect the otherwise totally innocent lives that seem to not matter at all.
More proof?? Ok, how about Chicago, do the Black Lives Matter there?? Again, I say no, why, well, if they did, then perhaps the local people and their Elected representatives might lift a finger to try to figure out how to stop the thousands of precious lives that are stopped before they ever get launched into adult hood.? Oh, and by the way, any person who actually studies the statistics will see the truth, but I’ll not show that here, for the millionth time, nobody cares about the truth, only what’s politically driven to help their cause or protect their own income.
Still more proof?? Ok, how about Jewish lives?? Well, after 6 Million lives were gassed and burned, did anybody lift a finger in the face of what was happening?? WWII in the Pacific, again, Japanese lives, American lives, Chinese lives, death, death, death, nothing mattered.? Kamikaze?? Well, that was a pretty horrible thing to even contemplate, but again, illustrates that to most of the world leaders, no lives actually matter except to support your cause or keep you in power.
So, what does this give us?? It gives us a moment of clarity to actually see what’s behind the BLM, blue or black, or ALM, all lives matter into making this actually about your own life.
I would venture a guess that your life matters, right?? Well, if that’s the case then why should you not stand up for the truth?? Your life matters, your children, girl/boyfriend, mother, father, priest, rabbi, cleric, teacher, husband, wife, partner, am I right?? Ok, if we start from there, and the follow that the “other guy” has the same conviction (except suicide culture that is) then what we all need to be saying to each other, is “Your life matters to me, as My life matters to me”; So lets work together to ensure the rule of law, and more importantly the rule of educating love and tenderness for each other.? A totally new culture of love and tenderness, nurturing the new and precious lives must be the only acceptable behavior.
When you see, read about, or hear of stories where there is a “lone gunman” whether or not connected to the Islamic movement of hate, you’ll mostly find a sad, frustrated, lonely, little boy that never was taught and nurtured that to be a real man in this world means to take responsibility for your failures, lack of “luck”, hardships, burdens, etc. and just face it, and move forward.? Toughness lives in the spirit of those willing to see it through.? The individual actors, or cells that work to produce destruction, don’t have an inner voice that has tenderness and love that out shines their motives.
When I see a mother or father that cheer for their son or daughter that just got killed in the act of killing some innocent person(s), I totally feel sorry for that lost soul, that long ago was killed by their mother and or father.? Not to mention the extended loss of those taken by them, but the start was the mother and father.? In the mother’s case, she typically was not respected by her husband, community, culture, but what’s her reality?? That’s as obvious as the sun rising.? Death, Hate, Jealousy, Scheming, and ultimately perhaps even angling to get a pay check for producing a good terrorist.? For the father, the love is even more important, to be able to show love to a young child, hope, hard work, respect and trust in the rule of law is the only way.
I say, with the strongest words possible, my life matters to me, your life matters to me, our collective lives matter to all of us.? We must END the obvious current status quo, “No Lives Matter”.? Together with a seed planted that yields the possibility of understanding and love, respect and trust, all things are possible, including the ability to say without any backlash, that All Lives Matter,? Especially Yours.
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