All posts by Moshe Avraham

I'm not your typical character as you might be able to tell from my postings. I'll always try to deliver a unique perspective based on my years of experience in many different countries, cultures, and professions. I've served in the United States Navy and have spent over 30 years studying the middle east situation with on the ground observations. I'm most proud of my path of learning, being humbled constantly by life as I journey onto new things and overcome hurdles that come my way. I've been a technology junkie since I was a child as my posts will reflect, and I've lived first hand in the Catholic world as well as orthodox Jewish world. I've lived in Israel and the United States have three boys who have all served in the military, during each war, and so I know what it feels like to endure under pressure from the opposing sides of opinion. My goal is to share insight and hopefully wisdom on many different topics, and always want to have fun and hopfully bring a smile to your face. Love is my key ingredient, and I always want to make sure that my desire is that everybody on the planet learns to be totally loving of their fellow human, giving and sharing, and to respect their desire to life, liberty, and their individual pursuit of happiness. One of my passions is my music, I perform concerts to wonderful and beautiful people, and have that as one of my greatest rewards, watching them sing, dance, and love the energy of each other.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein is venturing into dangerous watersג€¦My analysisג€¦

The Kings recent pronouncements concerning the actions taken by Israeli security forces on the Temple Mount are not only incorrect, but one step beyond the point of return. His statements took place at the new session of the United Nations General Assembly this past Monday. Recent violence taking place in the area that is supposed to be under the control and leadership of Jordan according to the Israeli Jordanian peace treaty, is very tactfully orchestrated. There seems to be a broader move to position the Palestinian cause ever more increasingly into the media to force the ever increasing lies that are forever spewed by people with either no knowledge, apathy, an agenda, or absolute malice.

It is my assessment however that what King Hussein has chosen to do is to actually sever the only link to his legitimacy in the region. If he forces Israel to take over that area, and prevent an ever escalation of violence, not to mention strategic and deceitful destruction of historical artifacts by bulldozing hundreds of tons of foundational Jerusalem’s old city, then the King will no longer have any connection to the righteous path of humanity. He will go the way of Assad, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, and others, many of them before him and our modern age that have made the ever fateful mistake of turning their backs on the Jews and Israel.

It is pretty obvious, if you hate the Jews you will not succeed in your life on any level. This portends to countries as well. Denying the Jewish and more importantly, spiritual connection to the area goes against the forces of life, well before and beyond the Muslim faith was a concept. The more you love the Jews and Israel, the higher and faster you prosper, your people live more healthy lives, happiness, purposeful lives, and an economy that in no time will become or maintains steady growth. The basic reason is Love. Love is a powerful motivator and brings light into a person’s life, further increasing an awareness to all things possible. Hate on the other hand is the darkness that envelops people, cultures, countries, economies, etc. that in the end burn themselves out. Have you ever seen any Jewish hating or Israel hating entity prosper? Name one. There are none, and the many that surround Israel are all slowly going the way of the sand dunes that they call home.

Egypt’s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is the best hope for the region and Arab Islamic world, as he delicately promotes and balances rapprochement and cooperation with Israel as his country slowly gets back in gear. He too should begin to use words like Love Israel, and working with Israeli’s to increase their GDP.

The reasons for becoming closer to Israel are many, but for starters, Israel follows a path that goes directly to the core value system that every human truly wishes to follow, (Provided they can or are allowed to think and act for themselves before brain washing in the soup of Hate). Freedom to self-determination, self-responsibility, loving your neighbor as yourself, and a level of self-criticism and spiritual self-introspection to better ones self that actually leads to great countries like the United States of America and Israel. Imagine what the Middle East could look like if each country 67 years ago embraced the new country of Israel, and Palestine that was born after thousands of years of injustice towards the worlds Jews. I’m telling you that for 100% sure, you’d have a paradise like no other. But first, Love has to exist.

In Israel, most of the world doesn’t even understand the reality of so many Arabs proud or at least happy to be Israeli and work, shop, heal, and live in perfect peace and friendship in Israel proper. They know the alternative and what that would look like. They may not understand that Love is the answer and that is the umbrella that currently protects them. Their sick leaders who unfortunately are scared to stand up to what’s right, continue to let their people down as they follow the easy path to a paycheck, United Nations handouts, and succumb to threats of death by the same pay check handing out patrons, i.e., Iran and some other wealthy backers.

So, I call on King Hussein to step back from the brink and choose to be a true leader of your people and join a thoughtful discussion on the best way to manage and SHARE a space that is holy for Jews and Arab Muslims alike. Everybody knows that is honest, that the Jews were the first monotheistic group that inhabited this area. I have always said that if the Jews were originally better at Marketing, the world would be Jewish and there would be no argument, Christians, or Muslims. The Jews would have just cut off your head, arm, or killed you unless you convert. Seems like that’s a pretty powerful and successful way to get followers, right? This as well, is another post. Once King Hussein chooses to side with the purveyors of hate, lies, and insurrection, he then becomes trapped as they escalate their demands on his opinion and by then, Israel will be a much harder phone call to make. Israel is and always will be the best hope for mankind, the true canary in the coal mine, and the light among nations. The Torah is the foundation of all common law in the world, and nobody can deny that they feel better when they share Love vs Hate. King, choose Love.

Resurgence of an Ancient Honey Bee Primary Healing Method, now in your back yard!

Honey Bees enjoying the sun
Just a pretty picture of flowers


Slight change in post topic, not a typical subject by any means. When’s the last time you thought about being stung by a honey bee on purpose? We each discover things based on our immediate need or from people sharing their own stories. In my case the discovery was what’s referred to as Apitherapy or BVT, Bee Venom Therapy. This may sound totally crazy, but after my personal 13+ years of practice and study this is really something everybody should know about. 3,500 years ago, in the time of the Pharaohs, bee keepers noticed that their arthritic knees and joints would stop hurting and operate smoother following accidental stings from their honey bees. So, that launched a very comprehensive effort to use bee venom and bee products like Honey, Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, Bees Wax, etc. for various healing needs. I like to say to people that this is “God Pharmacy on Earth” given to us to use as we may discover various essentials and uses. Honey for example is the only food that doesn’t spoil when left out or uncovered. This is due to the properties, hydrophilic of honey, it basically dehydrates any bacteria. Honey is also the best skin topical treatment you can have for just about any skin ailment. Try it, can’t hurt, right?

BVT is used for many things and you can learn more about it by going to this web site if you like: . But for starters, if you have rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis, joint pain from sport stress, pain from scarring after a surgery, multiple sclerosis (MS), nail fungus, Non-essential tremor, or other conditions for example, check into BVT. I have been treating people and myself as requested from time to time, for many of these conditions and others including more serious conditions and find this treatment very effective. In many cases, the results are immediate, such as in the burning and tingling effects of MS, one sting often times stops the problem instantly. In others such as arthritis, it takes time for the venom to dissolve the calcium build up on the joints. (Research studies in the U.S. back this up.)

Mellitin, ( an agent found in the bee venom, (Melittin seems to stimulate cortisol produced by adrenal glands via pituitary gland, similar to cortisone treatments administrated by doctors every day.) is one hundred times stronger than cortisone, and is also used as a fatty lipid for weak myelin sheath locations for the protective coating of nerve fibers. The Mellitin administered locally seems to be used by the body to fill in the gaps and promote normal functioning. Another of the ~ 100 ingredients is adolapin, which is both anti-inflammatory and pain-blocking. In any case, the body is supercharged to heal itself after stinging, which is what is needed in the end to help treat many of these difficult conditions.

Caution must be used of course; you don’t just go out and sting yourself. There is a very careful procedure to follow, and every person is different in their reaction to the stings. Almost every person I’ve treated, including myself said at the beginning of the treatment or discussion, “I’m allergic”. I always say there’s no such thing, everybody is sensitive to a different degree. I can start with an “allergic” person and gradually increase to several stings in two weeks with no reaction. But this is serious and should be done with a well-practiced Apitherapist. Apitherapists exist all over the world and so if you find yourself searching for answers or are unhappy with having a doctor’s knife cut into your body or other chemicals swimming in your blood stream, give this a check. Research a local experienced Apitherapist or do the research yourself, you’ll be amazed at the power you’ll suddenly have in your life for just about everything that you would typically visit your doctor for. Doctors by the way will be totally un-aware of this practice and of course would you rather pay them, then heal yourself naturally. You really have nothing to lose except the pain, and perhaps even save and prolong your quality of life!

“Russian fighter jet shot down by Israeli Air Force fighter jet; Is this in our future?”

As promised in a previous post, it seems timely for a post on the Russian moves and discuss what I feel might be a progression of events and why. Israel takes action when threats are calculated to represent a direct threat to the nation. This includes a cost factor or an early “penny wise pound foolish” approach to action based on how a calculation of delay would mean a higher cost in terms of prevention, deterrent, or actual conflict after heavy terrorist or advanced weaponry infrastructure is in place.

If Russia is adding Syria in their ever expanding sphere of control and regional military dominance along the north south longitude lines including Ukraine, Crimea, Georgia’s South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and heavy influence in countries along the same area, then Israel seems to be the only bulwark. Imagine what the situation would be were Russia to suddenly state that they are protecting their national interests, and their Russian nationals (2 Million Israeli’s are from the former USSR, sound like Ukrainian story?) by moving against Israel as a reaction to an escalation in Syria, again, caused by Israel. If Russia feels that this is in its interest and permits or encourages Iranian and Russian advanced arms to flow to Hezbollah and Syrian backed military, and Israel steps in to block this, again, then Russia will have an excuse to act. An excuse created totally by Russia, but who would worry by them. There was one other time in history when the U.S. and Russia almost came to blows during an Egyptian conflict with Israel. Then Israel would be in a position to choose how to respond. What would happen if Israel were to join the Russian camp and play both sides?

Today, Egypt is close with Israel in their military and security cooperation, although a long way to go in terms of true potential peaceful relationship. The U.S. has tried to play a game with Egypt that makes no sense to anybody watching Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and their modus operandi. So, Russia can move in this direction as well, and then Egypt becomes another choke point for goods traversing the Suez Canal, just like Yemen at the other end. If you want to control the price of Oil, how better way than to control all the pipelines or sea lanes? Does anybody pay attention to Russia’s recently erected fence placing a short BP-operated oil pipeline section Caspian Sea to Black Sea (Baku-Supsa) inside Russian occupied territory?

I don’t believe Russian fighter jet pilots wish to come up against the Israeli Air Force, it would potentially be extremely embarrassing for Russia. Russian fighter aircraft pilots and hot-dog anti-aircraft operators have in the past moved against American aircraft, commercial and military, and after the fact, you can’t do much. (How’s the investigation and accountability going for the recently shot down passenger aircraft over the Ukraine?) But, none of those were Israeli engagements. This is now why this is in my opinion, entering into a totally new area. Israel doesn’t act like the United States or any other nation. It will act first to defend itself and typically without a lot of noise. So, if there is a mission, Israel will act, if the Russians move to intercept or interfere using any of the weapons at their disposal, Israel will surprise Russian aggression and it will be decisive. The question would be what happens next, how Mr. Putin would feel he’d have to respond after such a humiliating encounter. I think that he knows this, and probably voiced very strict orders directly from Putin himself to not, never, no matter what, engage with any Israeli aircraft. No problem with United States aircraft since the rules of engagement might be similar to Beirut 1983 or Benghazi where the U.S. is there to show their shiny new toys, but are not allowed to use them by direct command from their commander in chief. Assad is irrelevant, he will be replaced by a Russian backed and controlled entity, and then the entire region will fall nicely into the ever expanding sphere of Putin and his demagogues.

Let’s hope the fictitious attention grabbing headline above never gets published. Once big boys start to sit in the small corner booth that is the Middle East, the existing small family trying to eat their meal in peace will not have much choice in how to respond to the new crowded reality.