Broken “Peace” Broken Vav… Pinchas


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Dear Friends, tonight I’m venturing into a new realm, one of the Torah and the essence of the Zohar and how these things are around us all the time.

As we’ve seen last week in NICE France, and just minutes after in the U.S.A. with the police being gunned down there seems to be no hope in sight. For now, I”ll put aside my security discussion to one of the spirit and our collective need to expand our vocabulary and the power of words.

In this weeks Torah portion, Pinchas, there is something very interesting. You see, typically in the entire Torah, which by the way has to be letter and form perfect in ever instance globally, we have a letter that otherwise would render the entire Torah un-Kosher, and that is a “broken vav”. This is as shown in the picture, a fractured “Vav” in an otherwise joined letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The word is “Shalom” which means Peace. It also is used as Goodby and Hello which is a translation from Peace.

The powerful interpretation of meaning at this time in our existance and around the globe, with such violence and hate that seems to be filling the air-waves each minute, is that we must bridge this gap. This broken or gap in the letter Vav is a symbol that we must exercise extra effort to bring these two parts together. You might say join right and left or bridge mercy and harshness and realize that this is the only way to create unity and peace. To add to the illustration, the word disease can be broken into two parts as well, “dis-ease” or if you will, not at ease. If you think about it, when we collectively are not at ease and we allow words that cause division to spread and permeate young minds, we’re creating a momentum that cannot be reversed without a greater degree of effort than that which was used to initiate it, or set it off.

If you imagine a rock at the top of a hill. One little push sends this mass tumbling down with enough force to wipe out an entire villiage. Where as if you recognize that stored potential and ensure that it cannot be easily moved to create such damage, you’ve served the entire village, even though they may not be aware that you have just saved their entire lives and all that came or would come after them. Similarly, we have a duty to recognize that each of us have a duty to recognize hate and people that are in pain and not to turn our heads away from them but embrace them to help steer the potential energy into a positive path.

Another interesting or powerful element contained in this portion or chapter in the Torah, is that also in the first section you have the word or name of “Pinchas” spelled with a very small letter of a “Yud”, smaller than it is normally written in the Torah. This means or symbolizes that Pinchas had a small ego, since the Yud stands for the ego. It in addition is one of the letters that is said to represent all the other letters and the first letter in God’s name. As we see all the Police around the world that are standing between chaos or dis-ease as represented by the broken Vav, we can think that they too are like Pinchas. They are sacrificing their lives for us in their purity of action and effort and certainty. (I’m speaking globaly, nobody’s perfect, but stay with me on the high road here please). It is that simple. They go out there every day and stand up for the rule of law, and to ensure that we have the luxury to drink a nice cup of coffee, spend time with our children, study our religous books, or take a nice quiet walk along a garden path.

So, as we enter this week, I wish that each of us in our respective countries, cities, streets, homes, places of work and worship embrace an extra effort to be sensitive to the gaps that we see in relationships and all around us and do our small part to induce Love, Light, and respect for each other.

I guarantee as they say, with love there is room on the head of a pin for the world to exist, but the opposite is also true, with hate, there is no room on the planet for two people filled with hate. When we visualize that broken Vav as coming together, and the small Yud, we reduce our Ego (The need to be right and take for our selfish desire) and enable healing and love to bridge that gap, thus saving the entire world.

You can do it, I can do it, we can do it. Enjoy your one life you have to live, give a smile to a stranger. Make their day, I’m certain that it will make yours. Sha

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